Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mission and Vision

Our mission statement is “We must make medicine streamlined for the common person”. I find that a simple, concise, clear mission statement is the best thing for my company. I could make a mission statement that is long and drawn out and outlines the companies’ mission point by point for the next few years, but I think that there is something powerful in making a mission statement that is not hard to remember and embodies the spirit of the company. The whole idea behind the company is to make things easy on people having to deal with medical issues, using technology. I believe this mission statement portrays the idea of the company, and it is inspiring to anyone that may doubt the direction of the company, and can keep the company focused on its base premise.

The vision statement of the company is “Bringing healthcare into the 21st century”. I think this is a solid vision statement because even more than the mission statement of the company, it explains the basic premise of the company and the entire point of creating the company in the first place. That is what I envisioned for the company from its conception in my mind. Having this is a powerful tool to guide the company in the long term. Once this vision is complete, it will be simply updated to “Bringing healthcare into the 22nd century.” This is a broad, overarching idea that will guide the company and is a strong tool for setting the culture of the company.

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