Monday, February 15, 2016

Company Name & Logo

The name of my company is MeDeliver. I figured that the name would convey what the values of the company are. The company delivers for medical practices by giving them tools to help ease transition of new patients. Coming up with the name was especially tricky, as I wanted med or medi to be a prefix for the name, but almost every single idea I came up with had already been taken by a company. This was very eye opening for me, as I had not previously thought of a company name before, but as you explore options, the first, second, third and twentieth ideas that pop into your head were already thought of by someone else who made a company with that name. It is almost to the point where the domain of valid business names is almost exclusively going to be made up words. For my company logo, I wanted to create something that is easy to recognize and scale up or down, but also is a unique representation of the company and what it does. To accomplish this, I decided that a cross would be a good starting point, as my company will be operating in the medical field, but I decided to add a dashed line box pattern to evoke thoughts of organization and efficiency, which my database company will certainly provide. In the end, my logo will be recognizable, and easy to scale up or down, yet unique enough to stand out to the casual observer. Below is a rough sketch of my design.

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